Before discovering your next great opportunity in the markets, you need to explore which trading account will help you find it. Each account type has equipped with unique settings and conditions tailored to your trading and investment goals.
Whether you're already an experienced investor or you've just started trading, you'll be sure to find what you're looking for.
Standart Account
Minimum Deposit: $250
Maximum Leverage: 1:400
Spreads Types: Variable
Minimum Lot Transaction: 0.01
Max Simultaneous Open
Orders: 150
Silver Account
Minimum Deposit: $500
Maximum Leverage: 1:300
Spreads Types: Variable
Minimum Lot Transaction: 0.01
Max Simultaneous Open
Orders: 150
Gold Account
Minimum Deposit: $1000
Maximum Leverage: 1:200
Spreads Types: Variable
Minimum Lot Transaction: 0.01
Max Simultaneous Open
Orders: 300
Islamic Account
Minimum Deposit: $10000
Maximum Leverage: 1:200
Spreads Types: Variable
Minimum Lot Transaction: 0.01
Max Simultaneous Open
Orders: 500
Start Trading in 3 Simple Steps
Open a live account and start trading in just minutes.
Fund your account using a wide range of funding methods